This Asclepios IV-crew is composed of the nine analog astronauts. The crew will perform an analogue space mission in all its components: training and thorough preparation; maintain and perform repairs of their base if needed; conduct scientific experiments and communicate with the ground team of the MCC as would a regular astronaut crew. The astronauts have been drafted from students all around the globe whose level of study ranges from bachelor to PhD.
Daniel Cowen

- 23
- British
- Current Medicine MBBS at Imperial College London
- Intercalated BSc Biomedical Engineering at Imperial College London
- Long walks
- Hiking
- Diving
- Private Pilot Trainee
“Space exemplifies the bringing together of science, engineering, and all other trades that humans have become skilled at to push our species forward and find our place in the universe.”
- Software Developer for UK Paediatric care projects
- University of London Air Squadron
- President’s Scholarship recipient at Imperial College London
Arthur Grosmaitre

- 21
- French
- MSc Aerospace Engineering at CentraleSupélec, Université Paris-Saclay (FR)
- Aerobatic Pilot and Competitor
- Skiing
- Mountaineering
- Kitesurfing
“It is by going to space that humans first took a picture of humanity in one frame, on one borderless and yet finite planet. A peaceful and beautiful world whose life can be seen from space.”
- Former president of his school’s aerospace association which aims to build an experimental rocket and organize plane, skydiving, and hot air balloon experiences
Madelyn Hoying

- 25
- US-American
- Current PhD Medical Engineering and Medical Physics at MIT and Harvard Medical School, MS in AeroAstro at MIT
- BSc in Biomedical Engineering at Duquesne University
- BA in Physics at Duquesne University
- Private pilot
- Scuba diver
- NCAA D1 swimmer
- Gymnast
- Former Internships with NASA Langley Research Center and Kennedy Space Center
- Team lead of award-winning NASA RASCAL student design competitions
- Teaching assistant in space systems engineering, planetary surface technology development, and musculoskeletal pathophysiology
- Commander of Crew 290 at the Mars Desert Research Station, and various other analog design and lead experience
- 2020 NCAA Woman of the Year Nominee
- NASA RASCAL First Place Overall, 2022 and 2023
- International Astronautical Federation’s Emerging Space Leader, 2023
- Duquesne University Excellence in Engineering Award; School of Health Sciences Outstanding Student Award, 2020
- NSF Graduate Research Fellow
- Alexander Twilight Academy mentor
- Outreach with MIT Media Lab’s Space Exploration Initiative
- Former founder and CEO of FosterRec, a 501c3 nonprofit dedicated to providing athletic opportunities to children in foster care
Antonin Lecomte

- 24
- French
- MSc TAS ASTRO – Space Systems Engineering at ISAE-SUPAERO
- Private pilot
- Pianist
- Boating
“The space domain is a demonstration of international cooperation and shows what humans can do when united towards a common goal.”
- Current Space Systems Engineer developing manned balloon flights
- Trains companies and gives conferences regarding climate change MEDES Dry Immersion Study
- Volunteers for AéroDécarbo
Davide Scalettari

- 23
- Italian
- Current MSc Space Engineering Student at TU Delft BSc in Aerospace Engineering at Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Private pilot trainee
- Skydiver
- Violin Player
“Exploration is wired into our brains. If we can see the horizon, we want to know what’s beyond.” – Buzz Aldrin
“Dare mighty things” – NASA JPL motto
- Previously been Team Leader of the Thermal Control Subteam of a CubeSat Mission within the ESA Fly Your Satellite program
- Co-created and managed a project to develop a spacesuit vest for analog astronaut missions
- Former internship as a Spaceflight Dynamist at D-Orbit.
Luca Sportelli

- 23
- Italian
- Current MSc Space Engineering at Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- BSc in Aerospace Engineering at Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Scuba diver
- Football player
- Chess enthusiast
“One thing we universally share is space. Wherever you go, you’ll encounter the sun, the moon, and the stars.”
- Member of Alta Scuola Politecnica Program
- Thermal Control Subsystem Team Leader for Politecnico di Milano CubeSat Mission
- Member of PoliSpace at Politecnico di Milano Analog astronaut for EMMPOL 13 space analog mission
- “Fabrizio Schiavi per studenti del corso di laurea magistrale in Space Engineering – Ingegneria Spaziale” Scholarship
- Peer to Peer Tutoring, which is a programme of orienteering and mentoring meetings which aims at providing support to the students of the Politecnico di Milano
Ilyasse Taame

- 22
- Morroccan
- Current MSc double degree at the Technical University of Munich and Ecole Centrale de Lyon, majoring in Avionics/flight testing
- Football
- Swimming
- Running
“Going to space is like stepping back to see Earth in a bigger picture, realizing it is just a tiny puzzle piece in the vast cosmic picture.”
- Former intern at the French space agency CNES
- Worked on the avionics of different rockets
- Current member of WARR Rocketry testing the primary flight computer interfaces
- Former communications manager at Cosmos
- Invited external speakers from the aerospace industry
Guillaume Troung-Allié

- 25
- French
- MSc Space systems Engineering at ISAE SUPAERO (SpacE Exploration and Development Systems program option)
- Engineering degree at IPSA, majoring in space systems
- Gymnast
- Guitarist
Systems engineer for a solar sail in-orbit demonstration mission at Gama start up
Former intern as embedded software engineer for the payload of the CubeSat of the Université de Paris
MEDES Dry Immersion Study
Former treasurer at astronomy school association IPSAVega
Volunteering for various technical or cultural events (VivaTech, Rencontres Ciel et Espace, Vieilles Charrues)
Lillian Tso

- 22
- US-American
- Current MSc Mechanical Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology
- BSc Mechanical Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology
- Caving
- Hiking and Backpacking
- Scuba diving
- Sewing and woodworking
“There’s more to life than being a passenger” – Amelia Earhart
“Excuse me, I think the word you are looking for is ‘Space Ranger'” – Buzz Lightyear
- Previous internships at Rocket Lab USA, Blue Origin, NASA Ames Research Center, and Northrop Grumman
- Former member of the Georgia Tech Experimental Rocketry Team (GTXR)
- Wilderness First Responder
- Brooke Owens Fellow 2022
- Georgia Tech’s Helen Grenga Award 2023
- Former President of the Georgia Tech Invention Studio Makerspace
- Mentor for GT Women in Engineering Program and Society of Women Engineers