Warum dem Projekt beitreten?
- Kompetenzentwicklung: Führung, Professionalität, Fachworkshops, Hard Skills je nach Position & Team…
- Toller Spirit der Zusammenarbeit in einem vielfältigen & internationalen Team!
- Networking: Kontakt und Zusammenarbeit mit Raumfahrtprofis und Wissenschaftlern, Industrien, Medien…
- Eine wundervolle Mission am Ende!
Wie wird man ein Mitglied?
Um sich für das Projekt zu bewerben, füllen Sie das untenstehende Kontaktformular aus und geben Sie an, welches Team und welche Aufgaben (siehe unten) Sie interessieren. Nach Eingang Ihrer Kandidatur werden Sie von den Leitern der Teams, für die Sie sich beworben haben, kontaktiert. Sie werden Sie interviewen, um Ihre Motivation und Rolle im Asclepios-Projekt zu besprechen.
Mitglieder des Projekts sind Mitglieder des Vereins Asclepios, der die Förderung der Weltraumwissenschaften zum Ziel hat und für das Asclepios-Projekt verantwortlich ist. Der jährliche Mitgliedsbeitrag beträgt CHF 25.- (Schweizer Franken). Wenn Sie ausgewählt werden, informieren wir Sie ausführlich über den Beitritt zum Asklepios-Verein.
Asclepios team structure

IT Officer
IT officer
Website officer
Website officer
Project's jobs detail
Requirements: 20 hours/week, speaks English & French, at EPFL
Decision-making, coordination & well being of the team, public representation of the project.
Availability: Closed
Requirements: 6 hours/week, speaks English & French, around Lausanne
Plan events, team building, takes care of members recruitment, manages the tools used by the whole team.
Availability: Closed
Requirements: 7 hours/week, speaks English & French, at EPFL
MAKE project representative for Asclepios. Prospection of new semester projects and supervisors, coordination of the students working on semester projects, link between the project and the EPFL laboratories & professors.
Availability: Closed
Requirements: 10 hours/week, speaks English & French, around Lausanne
Search for sponsoring, relation with sponsors & partners, handles the finances of the project with Asclepios treasurer.
Availability: Open
Requirements: 6 hours/week, speaks English & French, around Lausanne
In charge of the mission logistics, inventory, equipment, transportation.
Availability: Open
Requirements: 15 hours/week, speaks English & French, around Lausanne
Handles everything related to the astronauts crew, their recruitment & trainings, their health and physical activities. Manages the team.
Availability: Closed
Requirements: 8 hours/week, speaks English & French, around Lausanne
Coordinates the recruitment process, organizes the astronauts training from theoretical courses to advanced workshops
Availability: Closed
Requirements: 3 hours/week, studies nutrition and has interest in sports
Designs the astronauts’ nutrition plans and exercise plans based on mission requirements and on each astronauts’ needs.
Availability: Closed
Requirements: 3 hours/week, studies medicine in Switzerland and available during the mission
Ensures the health and safety of the astronaut crew by giving medical trainings (First Aid, Hazard, diagnostics), establishing a medical risk analysis of the mission, and being the Biomedical Engineer in the MCC during the mission.
Availability: Closed
Requirements: 15h/week
Manages the team, supervises the collaboration with external laboratories, researchers, companies, ensures deadlines are met.
Availability: Closed
Requirements: 8h/week, speaks French as a bonus
Organizes a call for project, communicates with the researchers and companies which takes part in the mission, integrates their project in the mission. Also, communicate with students working for our semester projects, integrates these projects into the mission.
Availability: Closed
Requirements: 15 hours/week, speaks English & French, around Lausanne
Coordinates tasks and resources within the Design team and information with other WPs. Ensures a coherent vision and quality of work. Keeps track of the team’s budget.
Availability: Closed
Requirements: 5 to 10 hours/week, around Lausanne, ideally studies architecture
Participates in the choice of the mission location by visiting the potential locations, designs the interior of the base (functionality & aesthetics), ensures that the crew has all necessary infrastructure and equipment.
Availability: Closed
Requirements: 5 to 10 hours/week, around Lausanne
Visits all possible MCC locations and provides expert opinion on their quality, designs the floorspace to optimise operator communication, media presentation and IT compatibility, secures nearby provisions of basic needs for operators. Designs the MCC behaviors, norms and training.
Availability: Closed
Requirements: 5 hours/week, ideally knowledgeable in IT and data security
Works with the science team to find appropriate data security solutions, prepares and tests mission communications and smart electronics networks.
Availability: Open
Requirements: 7 h/week, ideally studies space technologies and is familiar with simulation softwares
Defines the mission trajectory, landing site, time and date of departure and arrival of the astronauts. Make sure that the location fulfills the scientific requirements of the mission. Simulate the mission on with space mission design tools.
Availability: Closed
Requirements: 8 h/week, must have a background in mechanical engineering or textiles. Optional: experience working in other space projects
Works closely on the design, manufacture and decision making related on the Asclepios II Analog Spacesuits.
Availability: Closed
Requirements: 10 to 15 hours/week, speaks English & French, around Lausanne
Manages the team, in charge of the outreach of the project, ensures the quality of the work.
Availability: Closed
Requirements: 2 to 8 hours/week, speaks English & French, programming knowledge (preferably HTML), ability to handle WordPress and Elementor (either prior to joining the project or soon after)
Update the website continuously, write articles for some dedicated pages, fix server and software related problems.
Availability: Closed
Requirements: 6 hours/week, visual communication and writing abilities
Create visual supports, publishing content about the project on a weekly basis, and handling the projects’ social media presence.
Availability: Closed
Requirements: 4 to 8 hours/week, around Lausanne
Organize the project’s participation in events (stand, equipment, logistics) to expand the project’s outreach, and coordinate the teams for the event.
Availability: Closed
Requirements: 3 to 8 hours/week, speaks English & French, preferably around Lausanne, must be proficient in at least two of the following crafts: graphical art, filming or photography, video editing, animation.
Produces videos (aftermovies, trailers, etc…), designs visual communication (posters, roll-ups, etc…), records and photographs project events, both internal and external.
Availability: Closed
Requirements: 6 hours/week, around Lausanne
-Build relationships with new media contacts and maintain relationships with existing contacts.
-Manage media requests in a timely and professional manner
-Collaborate with marketing to develop the advertising and promotion plans.
-Track and analyze media coverage to inform future campaigns.
Availability: Open