Cette équipe est composée des six membres de l’équipe des astronautes et des deux remplaçants. L’équipage des astronautes est la composante spatiale de la mission analogue. Comme dans une mission spatiale ordinaire, il reçoit une formation et une préparation approfondie en vue de réaliser des tâches comme: l’entretien et la réparation de la base spatiale si nécessaire; la réalisation d’expériences scientifiques et la communication avec l’équipe au sol du MCC. Les remplaçants sont prêts à remplacer un astronaute indisposé avant le lancement et sont donc formés de la même manière que l’équipage. Les astronautes ont été recrutés parmi des étudiants du monde entier dont le niveau d’études va du bachelor au doctorat.
Sebasthian Ogalde

- 26 ans
- Chili
- Bachelor en Astronomie, 4 semestres à l’Universidad Católica de Chile
- Génie électrique avec un mineur en éléctronique et télécommunication, Universidad Católica de Chile dont une année à la St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
- Master en cours en mécatronique, Politecnico di Torino
- Brevet de plongée sous-marine
- Préparation d’une licence de pilote privé
We, as the new generation of scientists and engineers, are responsible for pushing further the limits of what we have already achieved in space exploration. Precisely this is the aim of Mission Asclepios. During the mission we will be preparing and performing scientific experiments, learning how to work as a crew and gaining experience on how to perform in a space-like environment. This allows us to prepare ourselves and to gain key competences for a future mission in space.
As analog astronauts we will not only be testing our minds and bodies with the conditions that we would encounter in space. Furthermore, we also hope to be a source of inspiration for younger generations of countries that haven’t yet dared to take the step to launch a space program.
Space always has seem too far. However with experiences like these, also you could get the chance to bridge over the distance and see that out there life is feasible, opening unthinkable possibilities. Space is right up there. It is now our turn to embrace it as the extension of our home planet.
- Conception de l’électroniques d’un robot sous-marin
- Ingénieur AOCS “testing and integration” sur la Mission Euclide de l’ESA
- Enseignant bénévole à “Escuela Popular Paulo Freire”
Eléonore Poli

- 26 ans
- Suisse, Grande-Bretagne, France, Italie
- Baccalauréat (option maths et physique)
- Bachelor interrompu en sciences des matériaux, EPFL
- Bachelor en génie mécanique, ZHAW
- MPhil by Research en sciences des matériaux & métallurgie, University of Cambridge
- PhD en cours en sciences des matériaux & métallurgie, University of Cambridge
- Musicienne
- Membre du Swiss Space Museum
- Ironman runner
I believe that analog missions such as the one we will carry are extremely important to prepare real missions in remote locations. They give insight in both practical and psychological issues, and allow improved conditions of mission, increasing safety, comfort and efficiency. They are also amazing opportunities for the candidates to push themselves and assess their performances in different environments.
Space exploration allows further understanding of what our universe is made of, how it expands and might be the key to the human race’s survival in the long term. The technology advancements that need to be done for such challenges can also be used on our own existing world to improve life. The research for other worlds and how to survive on them, could be a way to save our own: by learning how to be sustainable and survive with the minimum.
- Assistant-étudiante pour des élèves qui passent le bac international
- Stage à Pilatus Aircraft Ltd
- Enseignante en robotique à Bricks4kidz
- Payload design à l’EPFL Rocket team (project Matterhorn III)
- Head of space domain, Aeropoly
Willem Suter

- 24 ans
- Suisse, Belgique, USA
- Bachelor en génie mécanique, EPFL
- Erasmus (3ème de Bachelor), TU Delft
- Master en cours en Automation and Control avec une mineure en technologie spatiale, EPFL
- PADI divemaster
- Alpinisme
- Parapente
Landing on the Moon, repairing the ISS or training for micro-gravity, may sound lonely, frightening and even complicated at first… To me, however, these tasks inspire teamwork, exhilaration and fascination. I don’t know of a better environment than space to push beyond our expectations and fears. Being an astronaut is what I aspire to become and yet I don’t want to work a day in my life – not because I’m lazy – but because I genuinely believe that working in a field I’m passionate about turns work into play. It is the only profession I know of that finds a perfect balance between intellectual stimulation, social bonding and physical endurance. Together, these factors form my vision of the perfect job. For all of us on board, Asclepios is the beginning of an adventure. The first step alongside a sturdy astronaut crew, clever engineers and bright researchers with a common goal: to learn and inspire. It is our generation that will man the Moon bases of the future! As such, it is up to us to get a head start, push beyond the boundaries of knowledge and help today’s astronauts better prepare for their return to Earth’s satellite, to hopefully one day join them.
- Assistant-étudiant en chimie
- Stage au R&D Department, Atlas Copco
- Soldat embarqué dans les troupes blindées, Armée suisse
- Project Manager et consultant, SORA Consulting GmbH
- Stagiaire chez Clearspace SA travaillant sur le Relative Navigation Subsystem
- Président de l’ONG Save-it Haiti
Manuela Raimbault

- 32 ans
- France
- Baccalauréat (option maths, physique et chimie)
- Classes Préparatoires MPSI, MP
- Diplôme d’ingénierie générale, Centrale Nantes
- Master, Observatoire de Paris
- PhD en cours en astrophysique, Université de Genève
- Guide de montagne, parapente
- Construction d’une Planeterrella, un télescope de 250mm
- Art (travail du bois, DIY, violon et piano)
Asclepios, a space analogue mission. Wouah! The concept immediately convinced and captivated me. The opportunity to experience what an astronaut recruitment is like, to take part to amazing science during the mission, and icing on the cake meet an astronaut and an explorer. And to do so, follow various training, discover new fields of science, work as a team, experience new extreme environments. Research and adventure as I conceive it: merging different fields of interest, being part of the experiment, totally being involved as a researcher and as a person.
- Plusieurs conférences publiques
- Trois stages en lien avec le cursus d’ingénieur: Supernovæ classification thanks to spectral indicators, Antiprotons flux et Interferometry with Ohana project at the Mauna Kea.
- “Nantes Eau Brésil”, projet humanitaire dans le but de rendre un petit village indépendant des problèmes d’approvisionnement en eau
- Participation à « Ma thèse en 180 secondes »
Sophie Lismore

- 21 ans
- Suisse, Grande-Bretagne, Irlande
- Baccalauréat bilingue (option maths et physique)
- Bachelor de physique en cours à l’EPFL
- Ski de compétition (membre de l’équipe de ski du Valais de 2012 à 2014)
What is our future? This is a pressing question that humankind must ask itself every day. Individually what can we do to better our lives, globally what must we do to protect our world, and what can we still achieve? This is part of what the Asclépios mission seeks to do, to push our knowledge forwards. Indeed, we hope to fill in some gaps about space exploration and to show that humans can live beyond the Earth. As well as creating a chance to focus creativity into something useful. I believe curiosity is one of humankind’s greatest qualities. The way of seeing the universe as puzzle begging to be solved, to explore and understand as much as possible will set us up right for tomorrow. The way that our future has always been insured is through the furthering of our understanding. We must prepare for what is still to come on this planet or another and rejoice that there is a whole universe to explore. |
- Secrétariat
- Operations Contact Officer dans le cadre du projet Asclepios
Julien Corsin

- 21 ans
- France
- Baccalauréat scientifique (spécialité mathématique)
- Bachelor en systèmes de communication, EPFL
- Master en cours en systèmes de communication avec un mineur en technologie spatiale, EPFL
- Langages informatiques : C, Java, JavaCard, Python
- Protocoles d’implémentation de cryptographie
Let us once more answer this ancient, yet familiar desire
By again being the odd fish to spring out of water.
Let us quench our thirst of knowledge
At the universe’s very edge,
And fill the hole of our loneliness
With an infinity of planets.
Let us make the most daring step in Mankind’s journey
For it may be the last one there needs to be.
Let us put an end to our petty wars
And instead unite to soar through the stars.
- Développeur de logiciel pour la startup de l’EPFL Global ID
- Base Design engineer dans le cadre du projet Asclepios
- Qiskit Camp Europe 2019
Aubin Antonsanti

- 24 ans
- France
- Baccalauréat scientifique (Spécialité mathématique)
- Master en Génie Électrique, INSA Lyon
- Master en Génie Atomique, INSTN – CEA
- Compétition en robotique industrielle, FANUCS olympics
- Observation astronomique assistée par l’électronique (visuel assisté).
It is often said that we look at the past when we look at the stars. Looking back at Earth from space allows us to see our present and to foresee our future.
As we are travelling all together on this rocky vessel, Space is both our past, our present and our future.
This is why I believe that space exploration is one of the key to a better understanding of our universe, our solar system, Earth and ourselves.
With the reborn interest of sending woman and man on the moon again, the Asclepios mission takes place in a context in which it is likely to provide results that will be valuable in order to create reliable moon missions.
- En cours : Doctorat “Particle flux dependence of displacement damage effects in inmage sensors”, ISAE-SUPAERO, CNES, NASA GSFC
- Stage au CEA à Cadarache dans le Laboratoire d’études physiques
- Stage à REEL
Marcellin Feasson

- 23
- France, Suisse
- Étudiant en dernière année de Bachelor en Sciences de l’Ingénieur en France
- Titulaire d’un Bachelor en Physique de l’EPFL, Suisse
- Classes Préparatoires Scientifiques en Mathématiques, Physique et Sciences de l’Ingénieur en France
- Apprenti pilote de planeur
- Brevet de plongée
- Escalade et triathlon
- Violoniste et guitariste
Look again at that dot. That’s here. That’s home. That’s us. On it, everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every “superstar,” every “supreme leader,” every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there–on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.
-Carl Sagan
- Assistant Étudiant EPFL Alumni
- Brancardier
- Extrudeur
- Co-Fondateur and ancien co-Project Leader d’Asclepios,
- Membre de l’équipe du département AeroAstro du MIT pour la compétition NASA Moon to Mars Ice and Prospecting Challenge
Christian Cardinaux

- 26 ans
- Suisse
- Baccalauréat (option maths et physique)
- Mechanics and electronics class, CPNV
- Bachelor en génie mécanique, HEIG-VD
- Improvisation (théâtre)
- Certification de plongée en Open Water
- Rocket Recovery Operations Leader à la Spaceport America Cup avec l’EPFL Rocket Team
For me this amazing journey that is Space exploration embodies what humanity has best to offer. Sending humans to these hostile and yet beautiful landscapes brings out the best in each of us. It is a demanding task that requires collaboration, perseverance, intelligence, but most of all, passion. The reward is at the magnitude of the difficulty. Without even talking about the advancement in science, technology and medicine, the biggest remuneration is the joy and the feeling of fulfillment that brings a successful mission.
I see the mission Asclepios as a great opportunity for a team sharing the same passion to learn how to conduct a space mission from the conception to the analysis of the results. This is an amazing sandbox for students to learn and to prepare them for the next wave of space exploration. God speed, Asclepios!
- Stage à Launcher innovation team, RUAG Space
- Co-Founder du space engineering office, The Countdown Company
- Professeur en improvisation
- Ingénieur dans le projet de photobioréacteur de l’ESA, Melissa, chez RUAG Space, Nyon
- Chef de l’équipe Airbrake system, EPFL Rocket team
- Crewman Jumping arena team, International Jumping Competition (CHI Genève)